

Apr 23, 2024

Just beaching

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I got up after the 8 news today. We had breakfast. After breakfast the big two and farmor and farfar got ready and left for shopping. Frida and I wisely decided to stay home. We walked down and got some morning tea and then had it on the beach. Frida felt the water was a bit cold so we walked along the beach, stopped in the park and then came home. At home Frida had a shower after a rest. The others came home and we had lunch. After lunch we hung around at home for a bit. I played MarioKart with Frida and Evie. After fika we walked down to the beach. The girls all got into the water and had a great time. We walked home. At home we got everyone changed and dried. We then went and picked up the pizzas we had ordered earlier. After dinner Jessica and I went and charged the car and also bought some new towels as we would benefit from having a few more colours. Back home again it was normal evening routine until bed.