

Mar 26, 2024

Tipping cardboard

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I got up in good time and was at the desk around 7.30. I did not have an overwhelming number of reviews so I decided to not do them all in the morning. Instead I worked on my task. I saw the kids off for school, Frida first today and then the other two. I had morning meeting and then I had some time to actually work on my own stuff which was good. I had a somewhat early lunch and then Jessica and I drove to the tip to drop off some recycling. We had a lot of cardboard. We came home and I returned to work. I wrapped up my day at about three thirty having done 8h of work. I made tea for me and Sofia. She came home shortly after and I had a quick fika before I walked down to pick up Frida. Frida and I walked home. At home I had a quick break before I showered and then made dinner with Jessica. After dinner it was normal evening routine until bed.