

Apr 13, 2019

Gardening again

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I woke up reasonably early (around six) but I snoozed on and off to about seven or so. We got up and had breakfast. Sofia went to a friend's birthday party at 9.30 and we hung laundry baked some cookies and then went to granny for morning tea (some of this had started before Sofia went). We came home and I baked more cookies. We had lunch and after lunch we did some gardening. We planted seeds and bulbs and mowed some green mulch. At about two twenty we left home and went down to the village for afternoon tea, we also went to the shops. While in the village Sofia came back, she was dropped off down to us and we went home together. I spoke to farmor and farfar as usual and we then had dinner and bed.