

Mar 12, 2019

Getting stuff done

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I got up at around seven today, Jessica slept in. I got the kids ready for school, Jessica came up and joined us for breakfast. I took Frida to pre-school and then we all walked to school. Back home again we had morning tea, just the two of us. After that we went to Bunnings and bought some stuff. Back home again we did laundry and I played some Child of Light. We had lunch. After lunch I put Jessica in the shower and then sent her to get her hair cut (she's been talking about it for ages, so i thought 'enough talk!'). I stayed home and did work in the computer room. Jessica came home and we went and picked up the kids. We had fika and then Jessica and I did some planting of the flowers we had bought. I also played some Kingdom hearts 3. The kids did some homework and we cooked dinner. From there it was usual evening routine.