

Feb 18, 2019

From home

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I struggled to get up today, but I did eventually make it out of bed. I had the computer already setup so I got straight to work. I have a working theory on what I think this customer is running into, but it is incredibly hard to prove. I practised my talk and worked on the support issue. I had lunch with Jessica and did some exercise. I returned to work, practised my talk a bit more. I continued working until it was time to pick up Frida. I went and got the little girl and then came home and we had fika. After fika we took Sofia to art class. At home Jessica had a quick lie down as she had not slept all that well, while I started out on a plan for the driver I want to write for WeeWX to talk to both the envoy AND the powerwall, but use a single database. I think I've got all the pieces, now it is just a matter of writing it. I should be able to get it done fairly quickly. I made dinner and then went and got Sofia. She had lots to talk about so we sat on a bench on the way home and spoke for about half an hour. We came home and had dinner. After dinner I did some more work, got the kids to bed while Jessica had a hot bath, hopefully to help with her cold. In the end I clocked in 9 hours today.