

Sep 14, 2018

More support

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I got up and made the train with ease today which was nice. At work I spent the morning doing various little bits and pieces. After standup I helped out with DoS as the queue was at 4 and there was no chance that Tomas would get through 4 cases in one day. The case took most of the day to complete and investigate. I had lunch with the greater team. I spoke with Daniel (not myself for once) about GDPR and pipelines. It was a good chat. After lunch I wrapped up the case. I then reviewed some of Kristy's code and the day was pretty much over. We had demos today and demos had cake! Due to demos I was a bit late. I was on the 16.53 train home. On the train I was really quite tired so I just played Open TTD.