

Sep 11, 2018

Another day really

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I got up and made the train. At work I finally fixed my gpg key issue.With that fixed I plunked in a new doclet to try out, and it worked fine. From there it was standup, and after standup I paired up with Bella and we added a new volume to our server and attached, partitioned, formatted, mounted and then exported it over nfs to the other nodes in the cluster. With that out of the way I paired up with Rob to look at the output of the doclet. From there it was lunch and playing Innovation. Not really a game I really liked. After that it was 1:1 with Lucy, which is always a great pleasure. Back at my desk it was fika time, so I met up with some of the swedes for some fika. I then returned to my desk to do some reviews until it was time to go home. At Central there was confusion over what platform to be on. I was directed to platform 3, and once on the train I saw the sign change to be the train after the one I wanted to be on. So I ran to platform 4 (which is further than it seems), and made the 16.04 train. Once on the train I just played open ttd as I was really tired.