

Jul 8, 2018


Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
Jessica got up and went for a walk. Frida was awake not long after and I went and got her into bed with me. She laid fairly still. We got up before eight today. We had breakfast and then did some basic chores. From there it was morning tea. After morning tea Jessica and I went through some papers we had accumulated over the years.We threw out a good part of them. We fixed the windows on the cubby house, so now they're not banging in the wind. We had lunch. After lunch we went to the shop to get a few bits and pieces. At home I quickly made chocolate balls and we had that and cinnamon buns for afternoon tea. From there I got the laundry down, peeled potatoes and while they were cooking went outside and emptied the compost, put some more dirt around the compost. Back inside I had a quick call with farmor and farfar due to recent events. I then cleaned the kitchen and made the rest of the dinner. We had dinner and after dinner Sofia and Frida had a shower and a bath respectively. From there it was the usual journey until bedtime.