

Dec 14, 2017

The new one

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I got up and made my train. At work I had some review feedback to attend to, so I did that. It was a fairly quiet day which was good. I did more of my other things which was good as well. During lunch the usual suspects played TransAmerica, which was pretty good. After lunch it was more of the same as before lunch. At about four we walked together to Event Cinemas on George St. There we watched the new Star Wars movie. It was ok, not brilliant, but not bad. It ran a bit too long though, the movie finished at 18.55 or so. I walked to town hall and made it to central with plenty of time to get on the 19.18 train home. On the train I was just too tired to do anything, really so I just played that stupid game. I think I've had enough of it now.