

Oct 15, 2017

Australian Museum

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
We got up around seven and got everyone ready to catch the 8.22 train into Sydney. The girls were all good on the train in which was nice. In Sydney we went to the Australian Museum. First we needed fika of course, from there we made our way through the museum and looked at stuff and generally had a good time. We look at the their mineral/gem collection, we looked at dinosaurs, we looked for stick insect eggs in trays of dirt. All the kids had a great time. We left the museum at around twenty past twelve, we bought some chips and some drinks and then went on the train home. We went on the 13.18 train home. We had lunch on the train. Little Frida had done a lot of walking but she held up really well. In Glenbrook I went and got new shoe laces and some bread before meeting up with the wife and kids to get driven home. At home we had fika and then did the usual Sunday things, such as bath, rubbish and the like. The kids were all tired so it was a bit calmer play than usual. We had dinner and put the kids to bed early as we were all tired.