

Feb 11, 2012

Dry and wet

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
We were tired and slept in today. We did not get out of bed until around quarter past eight! We had to wake up Sofia and I think Evie was just about to wake up when I went in to get them. We got up and had breakfast after that we got ready and went down to the shoos. Me and the girls started and Jessica hung yesterday's laundry out and then came after us. Sofia and I went to the park. While I was certain it would be a bit wet I thought it would be fun for her to have a quick play. It was soaking in places, but we could still go on the swing and the beetle. As we walked around the corner Sofia started giggling and running. It was good to hear and see her so happy. We were only there for a little while before we met Jessica and went to the shops. After shopping we stopped by number thirty for some tea. It was already eleven so we were soon on our way home for lunch. After lunch I whippersnipped the grass along the fence and will mow it tomorrow. As I was doing that it started to rain so I quickly got all the laundry in. It was still damp. After about an hour of heavy rain it cleared up again and I hung the laundry back out. I did a few other things and had fika. Right before dinner I went out and got the laundry in again, it was now dry. I then went in and cooked dinner. During dinner we spoke to farmor and farfar as usual for Saturdays.