

Sep 25, 2011


Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel

Sofia was awake several times during the night, we only had to be up once early in the night, but I woke up the other times (Jessica slept). As a consequence I was quite tired in the morning, but I got out of bed after the eight news. Sofia got up after nine. The weather was bad, with rain the whole day. We spent the morning doing not much at all. I think we were pretty much just watching TV under a blanket. After lunch we did more things though. I updated my parents' blog to move into this decade. I spent way longer on that than I wanted updating the blog, things did not work, and I can not understand why. I ended up resorting to a bit of an ugly hack to make it work so I could get on with things. I also moved from the decade old (hmm, a theme here it seems) Compass to the new and 'improved' (I use the term lightly) 360° software. Turns out their "backup" and "restore" can not be used for disaster recovery. If you try that you get really strange error messages. In the end I ended up using the "export"/"import" feature to move data from the old install to the new one. With that out of the way I sat down and attempted to make a dorodango! I've wanted to do this for some time now, and I actually succeeded. I only made a small one, and it is not completely dry yet, but it should be good tomorrow, I hope. Sofia wanted to help, so she got to play with the dirt a bit while I was doing the basics. What is a dorodango? It is a Japanese art form, where you take dirt and water and make a shiny ball out of it. An example can be found here. That took the rest of the afternoon and I then cooked. After dinner it was bedtime for all the little girls. I had a quick look at writing a TAP for our pvr, looks easy, just a normal C program, should be able to get it running in no time at all. A pretty productive day despite the bad weather.