

Mar 3, 2006

Kinky boots

Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel
Today Jessica was off work. She wanted to go to the movies, so she called Christine and asked if she wanted/could come along. Unfortunatly she could not. So we went into Penrith alone. We saw the movie Kinky boots, and thus the subject. It was a rather interesting movie. Imdb link: I think the rating on IMDB is fair and accurate. After that we went around looking at stuff at the Plaza. And then home we went. Christine called during the movie adn left a message for Jessica, asking if we wanted to come over for dinner and a movie, and we were happy to. They had just got their new tv. a 51 cm (I think) flat TV. Flat as in LCD. Very neat, and very cool! We watched a movie on channel nine and then we went home. A nice day indeed.