

Sep 21, 2011


Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
Today was a day marked by changes. First large change was that I used the last test strip for my old metering system. 10 years almost to the day later the meter (yep, same one) is now retiring. I hope the new system will be just as reliable. Second and minor change was that the ticket machine was working in the morning so I topped up my ticket. At work I worked on a foundered 20% rewriting a platform specific macro to be cross platform and actually shippable. At around three we had champagne and a few talks about Confluence 4. It is finally out! I snuck out of work around ten past four and made it down to the Lindt cafe at Cocklebay wharf and got some macaroons. From there it was up to "the corner" where I met Ryan for our usual walk and talk to the station. In Glenbrook it was up the hill to pick up the girls and then down the hill again to the club for the birthday of one of Jessica's cousins. From there it was home and bed for girls and the last change for us, we watched the last episode of the series.