

Sep 19, 2011

Warm with a nice change

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
We got up around seven today, and it was already 22 degrees. We had breakfast and talked about what to do with the day. We went over to number thirty for morning tea around ten. I left there at eleven and went home and cleaned the air conditioner filter, hung laundry, put on another load. With around 33 and wind washing is a good idea. After lunch we went inside to avoid most of the heat that we are not quite used to just yet. We baked the next thing out of our recipe booklet. When it was cooler outside we went out again, I used our new mulcher, and it worked good, when it ran. I assume there was a reason it was $20 at a garage sale. I also watered the plants and cleaned Mikkas cage. Once all that was done we went in again and it was time to cook dinner. The entire family was in the kitchen to make dinner happen. After dinner Sofia fell asleep on the sofa and Evie was a bit fussy.