

Sep 3, 2011


Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I still felt a bit queasy in the morning but decided to go to work anyway. So I made the train and got to work on time. At work i was torn between an issue I've been trying to resolve and monitoring/investigating our main Confluence site that was upgraded to 4.0 yesterday. After lunch my nausea increased and at two I decided it was no good to stay at work, so i packed up and went home. At home I had some yoghurt and a bit of a rest and that made me good. In the evening after the girls were in bed I ordered tickets for the roxette concert in Sydney early next year, Will be good to see them live, as I've never done that before. I also tried to compile gnome-screensaver but I did not even get the configure script to complete without errors, which was very annoying.