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Mar 29, 2024
We all slept in today, I woke up around 6, then snoozed on and off until about 7.30. I got up around 9. After breakfast we went over to granny for morning tea. We came home and hung laundry, inside as it was supposed to be rainy today. We spent the day tidying up, cleaning and otherwise making the house more presentable. I spent a good bit of time outside putting mesh around the compost to prevent vermin from getting in, again. We had lunch. After lunch it was more laundry and more of the same. I baked a cake for afternoon tea. After fika Sofia and I went to Blaxland to buy some things we were missing. We came home and we made dinner. We had pizza made in the pizza oven, they were quite nice. After dinner it was normal evening routine.

Mar 28, 2024
I got up and was at the desk around 7.30. I had lots of stuff to do so I got right into it. I had a busy day. Between reviews and wrapping up my own work I was in meetings. I think I was in meetings pretty much back to back between 9.30 and 12. Jessica and I went for a quick walk and then back to work and meetings between 13.30 and 15.20. I wrapped up my day around three thirty having done 8h of work. I heated pastry in our new pizza oven and we had that for afternoon tea. After fika I went for a walk. I came home and made dinner. After dinner it was normal evening routine until bed.

Mar 27, 2024
I got up and was at my desk around 7.30 I did a software update which on a mac is a seriously limiting process you can't use the computer while it is happening. I was back again about 10-15min later. I started my day. We got the girls up and away for school. I had meetings, first normal morning meeting then just one meeting after another. I had lunch with Jessica (and Sofia, who came home from school). Jessica and I then went for a walk. Back home again it was more meetings for me. I was in meetings back to back until about three thirty. I wrapped up then after 8h20m of work. We had afternoon tea. After fika I went down to the village and bought some things for dinner. I came home and made dinner. After dinner it was normal evening routine until bed.

Mar 26, 2024
I got up in good time and was at the desk around 7.30. I did not have an overwhelming number of reviews so I decided to not do them all in the morning. Instead I worked on my task. I saw the kids off for school, Frida first today and then the other two. I had morning meeting and then I had some time to actually work on my own stuff which was good. I had a somewhat early lunch and then Jessica and I drove to the tip to drop off some recycling. We had a lot of cardboard. We came home and I returned to work. I wrapped up my day at about three thirty having done 8h of work. I made tea for me and Sofia. She came home shortly after and I had a quick fika before I walked down to pick up Frida. Frida and I walked home. At home I had a quick break before I showered and then made dinner with Jessica. After dinner it was normal evening routine until bed.

Mar 25, 2024
I got up fairly late today, only making the office around 7.40. The network did not work so I had to fix that early in the morning. One of the switches had lost connection, I don't know why. It was up again in just a couple of minutes. I started my day. I did some of my own work. I saw kids off for school we had our morning meeting and then I did more of my work. I had lunch with Jessica and then went for a quick walk. I was back for an afternoon of meetings. I wrapped up my work at around quarter to four having done 8h5m of work. After fika I walked down to the village to buy some things for dinner. I came home and made dinner. After dinner it was normal evening routine until bed.

Mar 24, 2024
I slept well again, and got up around 8. After breakfast we got everyone up and then had morning tea. After morning tea I started putting the laundry lines up. It was finally time to actually string the lines. I got most of them up during the day. Turnbuckles turned out to be a very very good idea. At one point it became obvious that I had used too short screws for the anchoring panel. I could, thanks to the turnbuckles, unhook the lines fix the problem put them up again and then tighten them as needed. We had lunch and I continued. The girls did other cleaning around the house. The big two did surprisingly poor at this, they did a little bit and then declared "done" even though they had not done by any measure what was asked. In the end Jessica had to be in the room with them to make them do what was needed. In the end we decided that they had done enough and we went to the Plaza for afternoon tea and some shopping. Frida and I went and looked in a bookshop and a few other places while the other girls did some clothes shopping. We came home and after a quick rest I made dinner and hung laundry. After dinner it was pretty much normal evening routine until bed.

Mar 23, 2024
I slept well, we got up shortly after 8. We had breakfast and then got the girls up. With some prodding and poking we got them up and went to granny for morning tea. We came home and I mowed the nature strip. I forgot to plug it in which annoyed me (later). After lunch I edged and whipper-snipped. I then went to get the fully charged mower to do the backyard.. but it was not charged! I plugged it in and did some other gardening, cleaning up and other work. I then mowed until the battery ran out. I came in and we had afternoon tea. I went out again and finished mowing and then tidied up the last bits. I came in and sat down for a little bit before shaving and then talking to parents. After call it was normal evening routine. Frida had been out earlier in the day and came home about eight.

Mar 22, 2024
I got up and was at the desk around 7.30 or so. I started work. I did some work and also some shipit. It was fairly smooth going. I had an early lunch and walk and was back at my desk at around 12.40 for voting. We did not make it to finals. I took a fairly easy afternoon I finished reviews and then looked at some other work related things. I wrapped up my day at around quarter to four having done 7h45m of work. I put on tea. When the girls came home we had afternoon tea. After fika I put up the support for laundry lines in the laundry. We had dinner and then normal evening routine. Sofia was out at friend's place a bit in the evening.

Mar 21, 2024
It was hard to sleep last night, alone and still angry at the endocrinologist. I got up at around 7.30 and started work. I woke up the girls and made lunches. I was back briefly at work and then said bye to the big two and at about quarter to nine walked Frida to school. I came home again, having lost about an hour all up. I had morning video meeting did some work and then had another meeting. I had lunch alone as Jessica was now in the car on her way home. I went for a quick walk to get steps in. I returned to work. I wrapped up work around 4 having done 7h15m of work. I put on tea. We had afternoon tea. After fika I went for a walk. I came home and we had dinner and normal evening routine.

Mar 20, 2024
I got up and was at the office around 7.40 or earlier. I had a fair amount of reviews and other things to do. We got kids away and ready for school. After that Jessica left and drove to Long Jetty to drop stuff off and pick some other things up, plus attend the fire inspection. I was home alone. I had lunch and then went for a walk. I had my bi-annual performance review after lunch, I did not get fired again. After that it was pretty full on, I had my own work, I paired. I left at about ten to three after about 7h30m of work. I walked down to the village and got some afternoon tea and picked up Frida. We came home and had fika. After fika I did some work in the laundry and then made dinner. After dinner it was fairly normal evening routine sans Jessica.