

Jun 15, 2019

Next one

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I slept poorly, waking up more than once throughout the night. We got up around eight. After breakfast Sofia had a shower and then we took her down to a birthday party. We then came home and had late morning tea. After morning tea I finished an annoying level in Little Big Planet 3 (it was harder in two player than single player). We then went and got Sofia. Back home we had lunch. After lunch we sent little sick Evie to bed and she slept for a bit. I baked a cake and then finished the second difficult level in Little Big Planet 3 (again easier in single player). We had fika and then it was time to talk to farmor and farfar. From there dinner and then bed for the girls. Frida is much better, Evie is probably at her worst now. We'll see how the rest of us goes.