

Apr 20, 2019

Not party

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
We slept in fairly long today, didn't get out of bed until past 8.30. After breakfast Jessica went into Penrith to get her second cousin a d birthday gift. It was quite busy on the roads coming home. She thought we'd catch the train, but I did not really think it would be worth it. So much travel for almost no time there. In the end I convinced her that we would stay home, so stay home we did. We had morning tea and then spoke about what to do with the day. We decided to go to the movies so we had a quick lunch and then walked down to the village. We saw Wonderland, I think all kids enjoyed it. We walked home, stopped in a park on the way home and then had afternoon tea. After afternoon tea I spoke to farmor and farfar as usual for saturday. In the evening Jessica went over to granny to discuss tomorrow with them. She was supposed to talk about Oberon, but forgot.