

Apr 18, 2019

Last day before Easter

Category: Dairy
Posted by: diary
I got up and made it to the office at 7. I was working from home today again. I did my usual stuff in the morning. At about 10.30 we left for pre-school and attended Frida's hat parade. Spyro spoke to us so it took nearly an hour to get out. I returned to work for about half an hour. Had lunch (the girls went to the club for lunch). I walked down quickly so we could get a form signed and then came home and returned to work. I had an interview in the afternoon that dragged on a bit it finished at about 16.00. By then I had completed a whole eight hour day (actually nine, but I was away for an hour for hat parade). I stopped work and had fika with the kids. Jessica and Sofia went to the shops and Frida, Evie and I did some household chores and then played some KH 3. From there it was dinner and bed routine.