

Dec 1, 2018

Park shopping

Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel

Evie came in at about quarter past five to tell us her throat didn't hurt any more. She then went back to bed and we got up around eight thirty. After breakfast we wandered over to granny for some morning tea. Back home we had lunch. After lunch Jessica had a shower and we had earlier said that she would take Evie and Sofia to the shop to get some new shoes. We did talk about it and decided to have early fika and that they would go after, so we baked some cookies and then Frida and I went to the park. We spent a good 40 minutes at the park. Back home we sat down for some second fika and then I started all the things for cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen and that. Jessica and the girls came home not long after. We had dinner together and then put all the girls to bed.