

Sep 29, 2018

Muddling around

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
Jessica and Sofia went for a walk around seven thirty. I stayed in bed with Frida and Evie. We got up after eight and made breakfast. Farmor and Farfar came up shortly after. After breakfast we hung laundry and then had morning tea. After morning tea the girls, farmor and farfar and I went down to the village, more to do something than anything else. Back home again we had lunch. After lunch we went to Lennox park. Sofia and I biked there and the others went in the car. We had afternoon tea there. Back home again we did some gardening and then I cooked dinner. After dinner we sat down and watched some nature documentary and then put all the girls to bed. I worked a bit on my new raspberry zero before giving up and played some openttd until bed.