

Sep 19, 2018

Sunny and warm

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I got up reasonably early today, I got up just after the 6.30 news, and was at the office not long after. I did my usual morning routine and then started work on the performance stuff. I had breakfast with the girls and saw them off for school. I returned and helped Wolfgang track down what the problem was with git 2.19. In reality he did most of the work I just offered thoughts and pointers. We found it in the end and as far as I know he's working on a fix. I returned to my performance work and soon had everything going, sort of. It actually took me most of the day. I had lunch with Frida and Jessica and gave Rollo a pat. I returned to work and had my performance test run. It failed, but at least I had gotten it to a stage where it ran, which was very nice. At about quarter to two I walked down to school and did CS First in Sofia's class. It was much better now, we're getting into the rhythm of it. I stayed until the end of school and got a lift home with Jessica. At home we had afternoon tea and then I did some more work as I wanted to get my thing working. I wrapped up my work around four thirty after having done a full 9 hours of work today. I played some Minecraft with Sofia and then helped cook dinner. After dinner I played some Kingdom hearts chain of memories.