

Sep 15, 2018

The cat empire

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
All the girls were up early, Evie, Sofia and Jessica went for a walk and Frida came into bed with me at about 7.20. She laid still and just enjoyed the warmth and closeness for a bit. We got up at eight and made breakfast. The big girls came home and we had breakfast. After breakfast we put on laundry and then went to granny for morning tea. We sorted the things for the evening and then came home again and hung laundry, followed by lunch. We Enjoyed the warmth of the day by doing some gardening. Jessica showered while I finished stuff up outside. Back inside we had afternoon tea. From there it was a rush to get ready. At about five granny came over and minded the kids while Jessica and I caught the train into Newtown. All went well, we nearly forgot our tickets but we did remember and made the train. In Newtown we met Erin and her friends and together we went and had dinner at 3 mangoes. We saw the keyboard player from Cat Empire there, which was amusing. From there the rest of them wanted to go to a pub so we went. From there we went to the Enmore and eventually The Cat Empire came on. We had a reasonably good evening. It ended up being a bit late. We slunk out and went to Central. Had a coffee and were on the 23.24 train home. At home we put Sofia to bed (silly girl). We then went to bed and slept until morning.