

Jul 7, 2018

Sad ending

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
We slept in today, not getting up until past eight thirty. We had breakfast and then went to granny for morning tea. After morning tea we came home and hung laundry. From there I quickly made the dough for cinnamon buns. While it was rising in the oven we had lunch. After lunch we made cinnamon buns. It took until three thirty until we were done. We had afternoon tea and then I spoke to farmor and farfar. From there we had dinner and then a pretty normal routine until bedtime. In the early evening I got a call from farmor and farfar telling me that mormor Ingrid had passed away. While we had waited for the call, it is always sad when it happens. It put a bit of a damper on the evening to say the least.