

Jul 6, 2018

Demo time

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I slept in a bit this morning so I missed my train. I made the next one though. I got to the office just before eight. I had a few things to do so I set about doing that. During lunch I went out and met a person to try to organise something for Jessica's birthday. It went well. Back at the office we were close to integrating which was good. We found a few issues, as you always do. We struggled through the afternoon trying to track down the problem. At 14.55 I thought I had the solution. I did a very quick test and it seemed to work. It took 2 minutes to compile and another minute to start up. Demos were at 15.00. It didn't quite work. We used "smoke and mirrors" during the presentation to hide this one problem we had. It all went well but we did not win any prices. I left the office at about 16.15 which meant I could be on the 16.28 train home. It was good it was not too long a day.