

Jun 13, 2018


Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I had decided to have at least the morning off sick, thus I slept in the morning. I helped get the kids to school. We kept Sofia home from school as she was sick too. With Evie dropped off Jessica took Frida and Sofia to granny for morning tea, I stayed home. I laid on the sofa for a bit, two hours later Jessica comes home and wakes me up. I spent the day feeling generally miserable. Better than yesterday but miserable nonetheless. Evie brought a friend home from school for a short play. We had fika and then I had a shower in preparation for going to work tomorrow. During dinner we realised that today was the last day of screening for Solo, and we had arranged a babysitter. We put the kids to bed and then went out and saw it. I think it was good. On a scale of 0-1 it was a 1. We came home and were soon in bed.