

Apr 7, 2018


Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
Sofia came in at about seven and was nagging us to get up from around seven thirty. We eventually got up. We had breakfast and then we drove down to the village. Frida, Evie and I went to the new park while Sofia and Jessica went and bought a dragon and morning tea. Little did we know that today was the grand opening of the park. I exchanged a few words with the mayor while the kids played. Sofia and Jessica came and we had morning tea and then went home. We stopped on the way home at Whitton park So Frida could swing a bit more. At home we had lunch. After lunch Sofia and I biked to Lennox park while Jessica and the girls drove there. It took us a bit of time as I didn't want to go along busy roads. At the park Sofia biked around and around and around. I pushed Frida on the swing. We then biked home again and had afternoon tea. After that it was time to talk to parents and then it was dinner and normal evening routine.