

Dec 11, 2017

Bugging and other things

Category: Dairy
Posted by: daik
I got up and made my train. The train ran slow (I found out later it was due to a fatality along the tracks) so I was about 15min late for work. At work I had a bug to fix so I did that, technically I was just fixing up the implementation of the bug I fixed earlier. I then turned to my other task which was sys admin tasks. I had lunch and then went out and did some shopping for all my girls. Back at the office I did some more work and then the swedes went out for fika. It was good. Spoke some swedish which I don't do very often at the office. Back at work it was more, well work and then it was a late meeting, running between three and four. I missed the 16.18 by about four seconds (doors locked as I tried to open them). I was on the 16.33 instead. On the train I worked on my story and then played some OpenTDD.