

Jan 5, 2006

Rain rain rain

Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel
Today it rained again, or still I guess is the word. Good I suppose but it was cold and gloomy all day. Jessica did not work today so we stayed home and just took it easy. Jessica worked on her softie. Jessica also put up some pictures of the new years fireworks so have a look. We walked to Levy st to get our swimmers back and also get some more rabbit food. Plus we needed to buy a few small things so we combined it all. On the way home we became witnesses to a car accident! At the redlights crossing the Great Western Highway a car drove (or slid, it was wet..) into a car stopping at the lights. Nothing dramatic, low speeds but a loud bang! Only damages to the cars as far as we can see, and mostly to the lady's car, the lady who drove into the standing car. That is about the most exciting thing that happened today.