

Jun 16, 2005

Dust everywhere!

Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel
Today was a very rewarding day. I started more seriously to generate Pdf-files. And it worked like a charm! I've learned heaps and I like to learn new stuff, so that's excellent! Most of the stuff I've learned it a bit too technical to talk about here but none the less readers should be able to appreciate the joy of both solving a problem and learning new things in the process! I also spoke with my contact person at Wexiödisk to verify that I am doing what they expect me to do. I have been most fortunate with wexiödisk actually. When I started doing my thesis there I knew none at the company and nothing of the company. Quite quickly me and my contact person got along well. During the past 6 months (almost! I can't realize it has been so long!) we've talked lots. He is good at giving me feedback. And importantly the feedback comes quickly. So that means I deliver what they want (I hope :) and I can do it quickly. It is always a team effort to develop a program. Not many people may realize that writing the code is probably about half of the work. Design (before) coding and testing during and after coding is really important. I kind of feel sorry for my contact at wexiödisk I mean I send him all the crappy and buggy versions of my program. But he has been really enthusiastic and happily tested and always given me good feedback. So that the end result looks good is very much thanks to him (and all others that has given feedback). Enough of that now though. I spoke to Jessica today. Neither of us can really understand how close it is until she is here. Trust me when you've waited 31 weeks 2 days seems unrealistic, and just amazingly short :) So today I finished up the cleaning. I swept the floors and I tell you, after all this cleaning I know for sure that the theory a friend of mine propsed a few years back is true! There must be someone in my flat and making it dirty when I am away! Surely I can't be such a grot! (for all of you non-australians, a grot is someone filthy). A kind of funny thing happened when I went out to clean the carpets. I went out and well I didn't want to get all the dust right outside the door so I go out a few meters. Do what I was there to do and then I go back. And well of course the door had closed, and I had forgot the keyes inside! So there was no way I could get in! I walked around the house and called on the neighbour across the hall. No reply. I try the next flat (right next to mine) no reply. I try a few others, none was at home or if they were they did not lift the phone. In the end a guy came and let me in. I've been living here for the past three years and this is the first time this happens. But still I felt really stupid. Well enough is enough.