

Jun 14, 2005

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day

Category: Dairy
Posted by: Daniel
This time I will start at the end of the day and work towards the begining. The weather today has been absolutely wonderful. Sunshine and nice warm temperatues. When I spoke to a friend I said something along the lines of "days like these one should sit on the balcony and enjoy a beer" and he replies "I have a balcony, why don't you come over?". I had no reason whatsoever to say no to sitting on a balcony, having a beer or two, and a nice time. After the sun set and the temperatures began dropping we went inside for a bit of boardgame. In all a very nice evening. So that proves that it is good not keeping your mouth shut. Summer is really here now. Even the light of day seems to be hesitant of leaving so it lingers for quite a few hours. Enough said of the good evening. I reviewed my code today, rewrote the portion sending the program to the card. And while I was at it I clocked it to see how long key parts of it took. I noticed that most of the time was spent on parts outside of my control. So in order to speed it up I had to break the specification of X-modem a bit. It's no big deal and the reciever will never really know I broke it. But by having a larger sending window I managed to roughly half the time it took to send the program. But since computers and communication lines have improved quite a bit since late 1970's it is safe to do this. IF it is done properly. And I think I've done it properly. I was a bit reluctant to continue coding after doing that. Since I was basically done with that part I was in no mood to start on the next part. But once I got started it was fun! So I quickly threw together a demo. The demo was mostly for myself so I have something to work on. I have several ideas for improvment already. So tomorrow I will do some of them, or all depending on how much time I have. I also found that I like java lots! The general idea with java seems to be "if it is easy to do, it should already be done" so I found a way to load and save data from my form in a very efficent way. I really like that mentality that trivial things are already done. Sure it is easy to implement a linked list, I mean it would take me like 10 minutes to write it in java or C/C++ but since it is frequently used, why should I re-invent the wheel? (so, yes a linked list is provided by the java language) Longest blog entry so far! But even this enty must come to an end. Ps. the tile comes from William Shakespeare and the full poem can be read here