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Oct 24, 2011
The little alarm was awake but not yet going when I got up today, but not yet going. So I got up and had breakfast. When I returned to the bedroom Evie was still awake and on her tummy looking around at stuff. So I got her up for Jessica. I then got my stuff and left. Jessica told me that shortly after I left Sofia got up and stood crying at the door wanting me home. Poor girl. At work not much happened. It was just another day at work. At home again all the girls were tired, I think partly because of the warmth (~35 today) and partly because they were all up early.

Oct 23, 2011
I had turned on an electronic type alarm last night and it went off. However the flesh based alarms went off shortly after anyway. We got up around seven. We just hung around the house in the morning, took the laundry in, did the rubbish. I put on bread as well so we could have lunch. I moved a couple of wheelbarrows worth of dirt as well. I also mowed as much as I could with what petrol I had. After lunch we did went out again. We went for a walk to a park nearby and Sofia had a good play. From there we went home with two tired girls. I did some planning for NaNoWriMo, I even did a book cover, only to discover there was no place on the nano site to post it.. yet. I then went into the kitchen and made dinner. A lasagne with 5 kinds of cheese in it. After dinner the girls soon went to bed.

Oct 22, 2011
I turned off the alarm last night, intending to rely on our two alarm clocks. The first one went off at around 3 and went on until 3:40 or so. The second one woke us up at around 8. It was really nice to actually sleep to 8, and not wake up earlier and then just slowly get out of bed. We went over to number thirty for morning tea and to pick up some coffee for the afternoon. I went home early and put the totoro clock up. Jessica arrived shortly after, but I already had most of it done, so the little helper didn't get in the way too much. We had lunch and after lunch Jessica made a choc-chip almond loaf while Sofia and I went outside and I moved a couple of wheelbarrows of dirt and I also hung the laundry. As I was hanging laundry Ryan and Tanya arrived, pretty much on the dot of the time we had agreed for which was good. We had fika and talked a bit and they looked at some of the baby stuff we wanted to get rid of. It was a good afternoon. After they left it was time to pack things up outside and finish hanging the laundry, put the little girl to bed. With all that done it was time to talk to farmor and farfar. After that we were all tired and had dinner and then sat down for a short while before putting all the little girls to bed.

Oct 21, 2011
Today was a warm spring day. I made the train in the morning and got to work on time. At work I did some 20% as I had not done that for ages and I had stuff I needed to do. Nothing really interesting happening there. During lunch I spoke with Ed (one of the technical writers) about NaNoWriMo and our plans. It should be good this year, and after November too. I came home in normal time and nothing particularly interesting happened at home.

Oct 20, 2011
This morning Sofia got up and came into our room shortly before I had to get up. The good news, is that last night was the second night Jessica could actually lie down and sleep in bed. Sofia was up for some reason and as a consequence Jessica had to get up shortly after I left. I made my train in the morning which was good. At work we were wrapping up our spike and I ended the day by doing some performance work. I left about half an hour earlier, considering I did a long day yesterday I thought it was acceptable to come home early. At home all girls were tired and after dinner and a quick call to farmor Ulla they were all in bed.

Oct 19, 2011
This morning feels very far away. I did get up and I did make the train. I did briefly contemplate catching a later train, but in the end I made the early one.At work we were pretty much wrapping up our spike which is good. I released a version of a plugin, and generally wrapped things up. I had for the first time ever decided to participate in a NaNoWriMo event. Today it was a "planning event" and was held at City Extra at Circular Quay. We arrived a little bit early and was lead upstairs to a different booking. It did not take long to work out we were in the wrong place (wrong table). Eventually we found the right mob and sat down. I spoke to a number of fellow budding writers. I also spoke to the Sydney organizer, she works for Penguin, which I find intriguing. I would be very surprised if her employer does not support these activities one way or another. Not that that is a bad thing, not at all. I had dinner there, but I was getting tired and knowing I had a long way home I left at seven. I was convinced that the train was at seven twenty. I arrive at Central only to discover it had left at seven o six. I now had just over an hour until the next train. I called Jessica and we decided that I should wait for the train, as a taxi ride would be a bit expensive. I sat down and took my time reading the newspaper. Maybe ten minutes later Jessica calls me and says "I've changed my mind". So I get out and get into a cab. It was a quick drive and the driver was interesting to talk to. I arrived home about an hour before the other train would have taken me home. In fact had I gone by train I would be walking in the door right now. The event was good. It was interesting to meet other wrimo participants and talk to other people. At times like this I wish we lived closer, but closer I would not have any of the benefits we have here, like a garden.

Oct 18, 2011
I was not quite as tired this morning which was good. At work I spent the morning catching up on e-mails and feeds. After that it was back to the work we are spiking. Of course being exploratory work it is interesting. In the afternoon I was so tired, I thought I was low but a quick check revealed I was not, so it was simply lack of sleep. At home Sofia was very happy to see me, so happy she had to run out into the kitchen to tell mamma: "Pappa is home! Pappa is home!". It was of course very nice to get such a greeting. Other than that it was a very normal evening.

Oct 17, 2011
I was very tired in the morning. The broken sleep during the weekend was catching up it seems. I made the train, if only just. At work it was spike week so I was paring with Don and Stefan the whole day on our spike. It went well and we made good progress. As such today was a very ordinary day. Not that much happened. At home the girls seemed better. Evie was her happy self, and Sofia was pretty good. Jessica had improved quite a bit but is still not well. A short post for a day that feels long.

Oct 16, 2011
Jessica got up around 12:30 as she could not lie down due to her sinuses. Evie thought this was a jolly good time to start screaming and fussing. She kept it up until around 3 or so.As a consequence we were all quite tired in the morning. I did not even hear the alarm go off. I got out of bed around nine. The day was lovely and warm. We did some laundry and then went over to number thirty for some morning tea. From there we went back home again to hang said laundry. I also moved our yacon into a more permanent garden box. I finished filling up said garden box. I also spread some dirt around the worn areas at the front. We made chocolate balls for fika and after fika we spoke to farmor and farfar. After the talk I cooked dinner and soon the girls went to bed. Not long after we area heading to bed too.

Oct 15, 2011
I woke up around ten to seven, but I fell back to sleep as I was very tired. Jessica had slept bad, as she is sick and it hurt to lie down. I eventually got up at around eight. After breakfast I propped Jessica up in the sofa and put a blanket on her and she went to sleep. Me and Sofia went about the day. We did laundry, we went outside to do some digging (I moved two wheelbarrows worth of dirt into the garden bed. At around eleven thirty we went back in again and woke Jessica up and made pancakes for lunch. After lunch we went outside again, enjoying the beautiful day. We went over to number thirty for afternoon tea, and found it was only Christine home. We had our tea and then I ran home as it started to rain and I wanted to rescue the laundry. At home I cooked dinner and soon it was evening and bed time for the little girls. We'll see how the big girl goes tonight. Sofia was very good all day, it is such a pleasure to be around her when she is this nice all the time. Oh and I enabled mod_rewrite on my site! Look at those fancy urls! I feel pleased with that. I've been meaning to do it for ages, but not gotten around to it. Now it is enabled!